Over the last ten years bandwidth has increased exponentially, and with it richer and richer content. Sure interactive content, web 3.0 and everything else is relevant and is the future, but immersive video has a major role to play in people lives.
Garden rebrand Janes the global defence intelligence agency. Starting with brand audit and research, we defined a clear path through a brand strategy that saw Janes change their direction from being known as a publisher of military magazines and yearbooks, to a forward thinking intelligence agency specialising in delivering relevant, unbiased defence data.....
Garden is a creative branding consultancy, creating fresh and exciting brands, and creatively expressing them through complex and fast moving channels.
Creative thinkers, data geeks and strategic problem solvers, we transform businesses to be effective leaders in a multi channel, brand saturated world.
London (head office)
409 Monier works
2 Casings Way
Fish Island
E3 2TH
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