
Brand Creation

Eurotunnel le Shutle

Garden undertook an re brand and image refresh project for the car shuttle offer of Eurotunnel. With clear objectives for the project, we worked closely with the Eurotunnel team to create a cohesive strategy and identity design to be launched in phases.

Brand audit, brand strategy, brand creation and implementation

The objectives for the re-brand were to build onto the heritage of the brand, connecting the UK and Europe’s own brands and making people understand that this offer is about the car shuttle service rather than the people carrier that it is often confused with. It was also to provide the customer benefits that using a car to get to Europe has.

We approached the challenge on several levels, firstly we made sure that we created a visual identity that shared European and UK values, using the rich blue and red heritage. By creating a mark that showed the flow from two sides created a sense of simplicity and freedom. We created a tagline ‘drive though europe’ clearly set the customer benefit on every brand touchpoint.

An identity that embraced the bridge between two continents.

Essentially, we created an attract, engage and convert approach, by owning the colour palette we get instant association with UK/Europe offer, the tagline defined the benefit and differentiator of it being a car shuttle brand, and by using images that inspired the imagination we manage to seduce hearts and imaginations.